So, I bought the BioShock/Elder Scrolls:Oblivion Bundle for 39.99 to me it seems a very reasonable price. Seems like if you are paying 20 bucks per game.
If you buy them separately, it will cost you 29.99 per game which totaled to 60 bucks, enough with the math. I started with Oblivion first, (last time I played this game was back in 2006) and pretty soon I found out myself hooked! Just to clear things up, this is the original game and does not comes with the expansions. Still, you have hours and hours to play before you can get even close to the expansion, althought, if you have the expansions you can almost play it instantlly without having to play the orginal plot. What I like about this bundle is that eventhought both games comes in the same case, you get two separate disk. I still have to try Bioshock, I did played the demo but is not the same with the real thing.
          Overall, if you don’t have any of these two games it is a great time to grabbed them for a fairly cheap prize.
You will always have the option to buy these two games for 30 bucks each either at the store or on XBL Games on Demand, its your roll.
